Project Carnage 3D
3D Game
As part of our final requirements in Software Engineering class in our junior year in college, a remake of Battle City with a twist was made using Unity for the game engine, 3DSMax for model customisation, and C# for the scripting. It is innovated with 3D graphics, comedic soundtracks, and action-packed mayhem.
I contributed mostly on the programming, simple 3D modeling and customisation, collision effects, terrain, maps, and the overall structure while our leader created the videos, graphics, documentation, and helped out with some programming. I decided to add more to it by adding a hi-score functionality. Due to the time allotted, I set it to save the value in a standard text file but with a different filename extension (“.geisha” instead of “.txt”) just to obscure it a bit. Since none in the group was a real 3D artist who can model a highly-detailed object, free resources from TF3DM were used (now called Free3D). The links to the models and other resources are included in the package.
It isn’t really a perfect game but we’re proud that we’ve made it. I set the last build to run on Windows platform for our convenience during the presentation.
- Unity
- C# .NET
- 3DSMax
- MonoDevelop
- Photoshop
- Sony Vegas
- Power Sound Editor Free