Responsive CSS Framework Without jQuery

A responsive front-end framework that I started off from scratch for simple web layout projects. It doesn’t require any third-party JavaScript library such as jQuery. This site that you are seeing right now is made with this framework.
This journey taught me a set of new skills for the front-end. I learned how to use packages on npm and make use of package.json. I began automating the build process using gulp.js (ex. bundling JS files, transpiling ES6, converting Sass/SCSS to CSS, vendor auto-prefixing, and minifying the code). I discovered linting which ensures that the code is clean, consistent, easy to maintain, and less prone to error. What I like about linting is that you can set your own code style rules. This experience also gave way for me to learn Git and put some projects on GitHub repositories.
It currently doesn’t have a documentation. If you know how to manage such project, feel free to help me out. Try to check out the demo folder. Avoiding screw-ups in adhering to semantic versioning guidelines whenever possible is what we all developers aim for. Let’s do this!
- Sass/SCSS
- JavaScript ES6
- Git and GitHub
- Gulp
- npm
- Babel
- PostCSS Autoprefixer
- ESLint
- Sass-Lint
- Chrome DevTools and Extensions